Clinical Trials


An international phase I/II study evaluating the safety and activity of Pegylated recombinant human Arginase (BCT-100) in Relapsed/refractory cancers of Children and young adults.

Bone Cancers (Ewing Sarcoma/Osteosarcoma), Brain and other Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumours, Leukaemia, Neuroblastoma

Status: Closed to Recruitment | NSW , QLD , SA , VIC , WA

The PARC clinical trial is testing a new treatment for neuroblastoma, sarcoma, high grade glioma, and leukaemia in children and young adults. This study will be analysing a completely new treatment approach using a drug called BCT-100. Research has shown that a nutrient called ‘arginine’ is important in the survival of cancer cells. BCT-100 is a drug which can deplete arginine levels and starve the cancer cells. This trial will test if the drug is effective against specific types of cancer that have come back (relapsed) or not responded to previous treatment (refractory).

Disease Stage: Relapsed/refractory

Patient Age Range: 1- <25 years old

Sample Size: Up to 64 patients

Trial Sponsors:

  • International: University of Birmingham
  • National: ANZCHOG

Read more at the Clinical Trial Registry

ANZCHOG acknowledges the valuable support of PARC by the Australian Government

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