Clinical Trials


Prospective Study Registry of Peripheral Neuroblastic Tumours Presenting with Spinal Canal Involvement


Status: Open | NSW , QLD , SA , TAS , VIC , WA

About 15% of patients with peripheral neuroblastic tumour present with extradural SCI, of whom approximately 60% are symptomatic. Since SCI may progress to irreversible paraplegia, early diagnosis and prompt treatment is of critical importance

There are few publications addressing the diagnosis and treatment of SCI; most are retrospective studies, case reports, or reviews that may be affected by reporting bias. This registry will collect information from patients from diagnosis (prospectively) and will inform that development of new guidelines based on stronger data.


Disease Stage: Newly diagnosed

Patient Age Range: Up to 18 years

Trial Sponsors:

  • International: Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica (AIEOP)
  • National: ANZCHOG

ANZCHOG acknowledges the valuable support of the SCI Registry Study by the Children's Cancer Foundation


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