A Pilot Study to Investigate Safety and Efficacy of Weekly Combination of Intravenous Vinblastine with Oral Type II RAF Inhibitor Tovorafenib in Pediatric Patients with Recurrent/Progressive RAF Altered (Non-NF1) Low Grade Gliomas
Brain and other Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumours
This international, multicentre study is evaluating the combination of tovorafenib and vinblastine in children and young adults aged 25 and younger who have recurrent or progressive low-grade glioma (LGG) with specific genetic alterations, including types of CRAF or BRAF mutations and fusions.
The study aims to assess the safety, feasibility and effectiveness of tovorafenib and vinblastine for treating this group of patients. The treatment will be given for up to 24 months.
The study will take place in two phases:
- Phase A: A feasibility/ combination dose finding phase.
- Phase B: An efficacy phase.
Disease Stage – Relapsed/ Recurrent
Patient Age Range – less than or equal to 25 years of age.
Trial sponsors
- National – ANZCHOG
- International – The Hospital for Sick Children/ OZMOSIS
Perth Children’s Hospital