Opt-out of CIRCAA

If you or your child has been diagnosed with a new or relapsed tumour at one of the following hospitals after January 1st, 2025, then you will be included in CIRCAA unless you tell us you’d like to opt out.

Hospitals participating in CIRCAA

  • Monash Children’s Hospital
  • Royal Hobart Hospital, Paediatric Oncology Department
  • Sydney Children’s Hospital 

The easiest way to opt out is to tell someone from your treating centre, this could be one of your doctors or nurses, or one of the research team.

If you do not want to tell someone from your treating centre directly, you can email the central CIRCAA team at ANZCHOG at circaa@anzchog.org to let them know. If you decide to opt out by telling the ANZCHOG team, you will need to let us know your/your child’s full name and which centre they are being treated at. We will then let the treating centre know you do not want them to send any information about you/your child to CIRCAA.

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Level 6, TRF Building, Hudson Institute, 27-31 Wright St, Clayton VIC 3168