
COSA Position Statement: Exercise in Cancer Care

The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia have released a position statement on exercise in cancer care which is supported by ANZCHOG – click here to access.

The position statement (Version 2, April 2020) encourages all health professionals involved in the care of people with cancer to discuss the role of exercise in cancer recovery.

Key points that are discussed in the position statement linked above include the following;

  • Physical activity and exercising regularly is important for health and quality of life
  • The majority of people with cancer do not meet exercise recommendations
  • People with cancer express a desire to become and stay sufficiently active but need advice and support to do so
  • It is suggested for exercise to be prescribed and delivered under the direction of an accredited exercise physiologist or physiotherapist with experience in cancer care, to ensure safety while achieving therapeutic effect. The focus would be to transition to ongoing self-managed exercise as appropriate over time.


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