
We help researchers identify national collaborators and assist with project review and development.

We have established a range of tumour-specific and discipline-specific groups to bring together health professionals to target particular areas. These groups discuss the latest clinical trial opportunities, as well as emerging research findings and innovative research projects.

Below are some examples of recent research projects supported by ANZCHOG.


Clinical practice projects

Relapsed acute myeloid leukaemia (AML): Review of chemotherapy treatment prior to transplant

Led by Dr Andy Moore from Queensland Children’s Hospital, this report reviews data from paediatric transplant centres in Australia and New Zealand. The results showed that children with relapsed AML who received two chemotherapy cycles prior to their transplant had improved overall survival compared to children who received one or three or more chemotherapy cycles.

Read the article here: Selim_et_al-2019-Pediatric_Blood_&_Cancer

Management of fever and neutropenia in children with cancer

Led by Dr Gabrielle Haeusler from Victoria, a practice survey was administered to health care professionals across Australia and New Zealand to examine current management of febrile neutropenia in children with cancer. This report highlights the variation in practice across centres, and examines areas of improvement.

Read the article here: Haeusler_et_al-2018-Journal_of_Paediatrics_and_Child_Health

Guideline: Serum Asparaginase Activity Monitoring in Children and Adolescents

Developed by Dr Siobhan Cross on behalf of the Leukaemia-Lymphoma Group of ANZCHOG. While L-asparaginase is an important component of therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, its use is associated with several significant side effects. The commonest of these and the focus of this document is hypersensitivity reactions.

Read the guidelines here: Serum Asparaginase Activity Monitoring in Children and Adolescents Guideline


Personalised medicine: knowledge and ethics

The area of medical ethics is of great importance to clinical practice as we increasingly look to treat by the principles of personalised medicine. We are supporting a number of projects in this space.


Promotion of collaborative learning and maximising research opportunities

ANZCHOG  holds an Annual Scientific Meeting to enable opportunities to share the latest paediatric oncology research nationally and from around the world, professional development and networking. Click here for the latest ASM news.

We also support regular teleconferences to enable discussion of complex cases and maximise trial opportunities for patients. This is enabled through our monthly ACCT Tumour Board and TACTIC teleconferences.

Australian Genomics Health Alliance

Cancer Flagship: Actionable Targets in High Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Australian Genomics is working with leukaemia researchers and clinicians around Australia to improve the outcomes of ALL patients. We work with the leading clinical trialist networks in the country, with the aim of developing a diagnostic pipeline in a clinical setting, to allow timely intervention using precision medicine approaches. Click here for further information.


Patient and family resources

We also provide input into educational resources for families and patients.

The Delta project (endorsed by ANZCHOG): the Behavioural Science Unit at Kids Cancer Centre, Sydney Children’s Hospital, has produced a short animation providing information for patients and families about clinical trials (click here to view).

If you have a project that you would like to develop, please contact the ANZCHOG office for assistance.

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