Clinical Trials

MyeChild 01

International Randomised Phase III Clinical Trial in Children with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia: Incorporating an Embedded Dose Finding Study for Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin in Combination with Induction Chemotherapy


Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) in children and adolescents is very rare and many patients relapse, which is when most patients will die.  This study will test different chemotherapy treatments during the initial cycles of treatment for patients with newly diagnosed AML to see which chemotherapy treatment decreases the chance of relapse without increasing treatment side effects.  Participants’ blood and bone marrow samples will also be tested so that we can identify markers indicating the risk of relapse for each patient. Patients will be allocated to a disease risk group, which will guide which of the treatments they will receive throughout the trial.

Disease Stage: Newly diagnosed

Patient Age Range: <18 years

Sample Size: 700 patients

Trial Sponsors:

  • International: University of Birmingham
  • National: ANZCHOG

Read more at the Clinical Trial Registry

MyeChild is funded by My Room – Children’s Cancer Charity

MyeChild is funded by My Room - Children's Cancer Charity

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